Thursday, April 16, 2009

FiRsT eNtRy

well, are they all say: when you are going to travel for long, there are few things you will need.

1) camera... check
2) passport... check (i know of some individuals who need not bring their passports =P... guess who?)
3) Money... sorta check
and the list goes on and on...

one of the must have when you go for this long and far traveling will be to have a blog. i used to have 2... and well... both ended up deserted... one deleted actually...

now that i am almost flying off (22 april) and i am now sorta free... i decided to start this blog that i've decided to keep for my life. unless blogger decided to turn itself off one day...

"GOOD NEWS EVERYONE" as Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth from futurama would had said.

I've got my exchange to SWEDEN! how AWESOME is that? "VERYYYYY"

that's right, seems like i will be travelling from 22 april till end of the year! hooray!

finally, i get the chance to see the world before i graduate.

the adventure will begin in 6 days from now...

be prepare world! here i come! =D


  1. let me and jess teach you how to change your blog skin. but you need to wait until we finish our papers tomorrow.

  2. erm hi do you need to get new lenses for your specs too? cuz the font is HUMONGOUS... like for ah ma's...

  3. think you can get this also... to 方便 people to chat with you =)

  4. @Leann: Thanks ah...

    @Chenyze: i just want you all to read easily...

    @KH: thanks. will look at it later

  5. 看到我的部落格在你的blog这里出现

